Lent Day 21

When we think of serpents, we think of deceit or craftiness, but it can also mean to flee from danger–something snakes are better at than sheep among wolves. In this passage, Jesus sends the 12 to preach the Kingdom of God. He knows that the disciples will be persecuted for their message, so they must be discerning and flee from danger. Shrewdness or prudence, in this case, is a preservation mechanism that helps us to discern danger and choose our ‘battles’ wisely. We should not engage in conflict that will challenge our ethics. We must be prudent as serpents and also as innocent as doves.

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, give us shrewdness so we can discern the best way to expand the Kingdom of God throughout our community and the world. Let us be shrewd as serpents, but also innocent as doves so that we will not sin against you as we navigate the difficulties of this world. Amen.
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