At Palmdale Church we believe that the church should be led by those with the spiritual gift of leadership. People with this gift (and other complimentary gifts) will serve in addition to the Lead Pastor on the “Elder Board” (Bylaws, 5.11). Palmdale Church is a staff led church under the servant leadership of the Lead Pastor (Bylaws, 5.2.1). Although Palmdale Church is led by its leaders, we recognize the gifting of the Holy Spirit for all members and call upon our members for wisdom and service on a regular basis and for all major missional, financial, or business decisions. We believe that the office of Elder is filled by those with pastoral gifting and therefore call our elders, 'Pastors.' Similarly, we believe that those who serve in director or administrative capacities fulfill the servant leadership position of 'Deacon.' Both deacons and elders are described as church leadership by the Apostle Paul in the scriptures (Acts 6:1-6, Acts 14:23, 1 Timothy 3:1-13, Titus 1:5-9). All of our leaders have a history serving faithfully at Palmdale Church prior to joining our leadership team (1 Timothy 5:22). Please request information on our bylaws for more information on the role and governance of elders, deacons, and church members.