Lent Day 9
In the Parable of the Vine Workers, Jesus tells a story about a vineyard owner who needed to hire workers. He hired some early in the day, promising them a day's wage. As the day went on, he hired more workers, paying them a full day’s wage as well. Even near the end of the day, he hired more workers, maybe only for a few hours. He also paid them a full day’s wage. When it was time to pay the workers, he paid them all the same amount even though some had worked far longer than others. They became jealous and complained, but the vineyard owner pointed out the fallacy of their thinking. He was not stingy or uncharitable towards those who worked a full day. Indeed, they received their pay in full as they agreed to. But he was generous towards those who came later. God has a right to do what he wants with all he has created. Some people will have more than others. We should not be jealous that God is generous towards others. If we live simple lives, even with very little, we should rejoice that we have received all God has promised. We likewise should rejoice when God is generous, even if, in his manifold wisdom, he seems less generous towards us or others.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus, give us a heart to rejoice at your generosity. Forgive us for times when we compare our place in life to others. Let us never be jealous when you have been generous towards your creation, but rejoice and be satisfied with our place in the world you created. You are the God of wisdom and generosity, and we trust you in all you do. Amen.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus, give us a heart to rejoice at your generosity. Forgive us for times when we compare our place in life to others. Let us never be jealous when you have been generous towards your creation, but rejoice and be satisfied with our place in the world you created. You are the God of wisdom and generosity, and we trust you in all you do. Amen.
Posted in Lent 2024