Season of Peace
Peace as Shalom
To find shalom means to be restored or made whole in the way that humans were designed to be in the beginning. Shalom refers to the peace God gives, specifically the peace between God and man. Though we believe Shalom has been restored to us through Christ, our sin still affects our peace.
How does sin affect peace (Shalom)?
Whenever we sin, we are participating in the sin of the garden. To sin is a participation in death. There's something about the state of human life that, although we experience peace with God in some regards, we still struggle with sin, which robs our peace. If you’re not at peace, then steps need to be taken to restore peace with God. One of those things may need to be repentance followed by pouring yourself into prayer.
How does Jesus restore peace (Shalom)?
Philippians 4:5–7, “...The Lord is near. Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”
Christians have access to God’s peace through the Holy Spirit. The way you continue in the peace of God is not just to stop doing bad habits; The way you combat that is to form righteous habits in their place.
How does the Church embody peace (Shalom)?
The church provides practical and spiritual needs. The church is fundamentally a spiritual entity - a representative of God among us.