The Fellowship of Faith
In Philemon 6, we’ll see there are binding agents that hold the church together:
1. Knowledge Binds Us in Fellowship
2. Goodness Binds Us in Fellowship
3. Glorifying Christ Binds Us in Fellowship
Christians are bound together in fellowship in the local church so that the church is strengthened and we effectively make much of Christ. When our hearts and minds focus on the good things of Christ that bind us together, we will not have much room for the things of this world that seek to destroy Christ’s church and defame the name of Jesus Christ. When we pursue knowledge of every good thing for the glory of Christ, it elevates Christ as King. Only then are we bound together in fellowship as the people of God.
Knowledge binds us together as God’s people. Goodness binds us. And our mutual pursuit of the glory of Christ bunds us as Christ’s people.