Services Offered by Palmdale Church

Believer's Baptism
Baptism is a sacrament of the church establishing union with Christ and his body, ordained by Christ to be practiced in the church until he returns. Palmdale Church practices believer’s baptism.
The Lord’s Supper, also known as the Eucharist or Holy Communion is the sacrament of the body and blood of Christ, of communion with Christ, and a participation in his risen and ascended sacrifice.
Church Membership
Palmdale Church practices regenerative church membership, the idea that followers of Jesus should be baptized, and added to the church membership.
Child/Baby Dedication
Palmdale Church practices child/baby dedication as a commitment before church members to raise their children in the church and to be accountable to the church membership.
Biblical marriage is a covenant established by God and before God between a biological man and woman. Marriage is regularly practiced in the church, for church members.
Advice from the Scriptures
Biblical counseling is an aspect of discipleship   focused on the application of God's Word to life circumstances, training followers of Jesus to walk in God's Spirit when dealing with all matters of life.
Supplication Before God
Prayer is the regular means of communion with God practiced in the church assembly and in private devotional life. As such, the Elders and leadership of Palmdale Church regularly pray for needs of our members, community, and the world.
Practical Needs
Pastoral care is an overarching responsibility of the elders at Palmdale Church, referring to any spiritual needs that members may have. This may include marriage, child dedication, counseling, prayer, funerals, or last rites.
Memorials and Last Rites
Palmdale Church elders may be available to provide last rites and perform funerals/memorial services for lost loved ones. We prioritize these needs within our church membership.
Jesus and Salvation
Do you have questions about Jesus, salvation, or Christian theology? Palmdale Church elders would love to talk to you about what it means to be a follower of Jesus and to share about God's salvation.
Questions about the Afterlife
It is natural in times of disaster, older age, or illness to ask questions about life after death. We believe the Bible answers many of these questions.
Questions about the Bible's Teachings
There are many interesting stories in the Bible and a lot of questions about what the Bible may mean. Palmdale Church elders and leaders are available to answer difficult questions about biblical texts.