Salvation Spelled Out

May 12, 2024    Dan Southwick

Titus has been charged with the mission to institute order to the church in Crete. Paul reminds him that the only proper worldview is God’s worldview. All information and every decision must be grounded in Scripture and in the gospel. 

Paul reminds Titus that he must look back at the foundation laid by Christ, through which he gets endowed with his authority. He also reminds him that difficult circumstances can be endured by looking forward to the hope we have in Jesus’ return. Jesus is the Grace of God and our Blessed Hope. Upon His return, the day of the Lord will end and salvation will be complete for those who follow Jesus.

Paul makes clear that salvation of God’s human creation is accomplished by Jesus alone. He is the One who redeems and purifies. Jesus calls us to Himself and disciplines us so that we progress in sanctification. Our only job is to respond to Him with a believing loyalty. It is that sincere love and devotion to Christ that causes us to obey, to engage in the disciplines, and to be zealous for good works. That is the complete view of salvation. It is accomplished only by the work of Jesus as our atoning sacrifice, but it doesn’t leave us forgiven in the grave. It raises us to new life in which our devotion necessitates obedience to Christ in our mission.